
"Uparati" 満ち足りた状態

"Uparati" is satiety. It is turning the mind resolutely away from desire for sensual enjoyment. This state of mind naturally comes when one has practiced Viveka, Vairagya, Sama, and Dama.

                     Swami Sivananda - Bliss Divine p.467



"Dama" 感覚器官の制御

"Dama" is control of the indriyas (senses). This is rational control. They should not be allowed to run riot into sensual grooves.
                                                                                 Swami Sivananda - Bliss Divine p.466

"Dama" とは感覚器官を制御することを言います。これは理性による制御です。それらが感覚的な習慣へ向かってゆくのを野放しにしてはなりません。


"Sama" 心の平穏さ

"Sama" is serenity or tranquility of mind that is brought about by eradication of "Vasanas"(mental impressions). It is not allowed to join with the indriyas (senses) and to move outside into sensual object or grooves. The mind fixed in the source. Serenity is the most important qualification for an aspirant.
                            Swami Sivananda - Bliss Divine p.466

"Sama" は心が平静、平穏であることを言います。心の印象 (Vasanas) を無くすことによってそれはもたらされます。この境地は心が感覚器官を通じてその感覚対象に向かっていくようではもたらされません。心を「源」に固定しましょう。平穏であることは霊性の道を歩む人にとって最も重要な適性です。


Today 今日という日

Yesterday is gone. Forget it. Tomorrow is not here. Worry not. Today is present. Use it well. Today is your own. Tomorrow perchance may never come.

                                                                                Swami Sivananda - Bliss Divine p.515



Source of Light and Life 光と命の源

God is Truth. God is Love. God is the source of Light and Life. God is peace. God is Wisdom.

                                                              Swami Sivananda - Analects of Swami Sivananda p.97



The true fountain 真理の泉

The true fountain of eternal life and bliss is within you. Wander not aimlessly here and there to search  this immortal fountain. Gaze within and dive deep into the holy fountain and drink the nectar of immortality.
                                                                      Swami Sivananda - Analects of Swami Sivananda p.42



Eternal silence 永遠の静寂

Once the disciple Bhaskali approached his guru, Bhava, and asked him where that Eternal, the supreme infinite, the Brahman of the Upanishads, was. The master spoke not. The disciple asked him again and again, but the master did not open his mouth. He kept perfect silence. At last the teacher said: "I have been telling you again and again, but you do not understand me. What am I to do? That Brahman, The infinite, The Eternal, cannot be explained. But, by deep silence, know it. There is no other place for him to dwell in, but the one eternal deep silence! Ayam atma santah. Atman is silence.

                                                                                             Swami Sivananda - Bliss Divine p.475

しかし師はなにも語りません。バスカリは何度も何度も尋ねましたが、師が口を開くことはありません。師は完全に沈黙を保っていましたが、ついに口を開き、こう語りました。「私はすでに何度も何度もあなたに伝えているのですが、あなたは理解していないようですね。私は何をしていましたか?ブラフマン、無限、永遠の存在は説明することができないのです。深い沈黙によってそれを知ります。それは静寂の他に存在する場所はありません。それは果てなく続く静寂です。Ayam atma santah. アートマンは永遠なる静寂。


Eternal Soul pervade every where 永遠の魂は偏在

The physical body in the world of phenomenon is only a passing shadow. Be conscious intensely of the ever-present Supreme Eternal Soul that is immanent in all things, and pervades everywhere.

                                                                     Swami Sivananda - Analect of Swami Sivananda p.81



One forms own character. 私が創る私の性質

Man is created by thought. What a man thinks upon, that he become. Think you are strong, strong you become. Think you are weak, weak you become. Think you are fool, fool you become. Think you are God, God you become.
A man forms his own character, becoming that which he think.

                        Swami Sivananda - Bliss Divine p.503



Love binds heart to heart 愛は心と心を結ぶ

Love is life. Love is joy. Love is warmth. Love is the golden tie which binds heart to heart, soul to soul.
                                                                                 Swami Sivananda - Bliss Divine p.306



World exist in Love 世界は愛の中に

This world has come out of love. It exists in love. It finally dissolves in love. Love is the motive power of universe.
                           Swami sivananda - Bliss Divine p.306



Time is Precious 時間の尊さ

Life is a link in the chain of time. If you waste time, You waste life. know the value of time. You can not salvage a second spent in worthless ways. Time is most precious. Trifle not with time. Make the utmost use of it. Utilise every second in spiritual pursuits and service.

                                                                                            Swami Sivananda - Bliss Divine p.514



What is Divine Life 神聖な生活

To be an instrument in the hand of god is Divine Life.
To have a balanced mind and equal vision is Divine Life.
To be always aware of god's grace is Divine Life.
To behold the One Self everywhere is Divine Life.

                                                                                 Swami Sivananda - Glorious Vision p.49



Be Compassionate 思いやり

Open your heart to compassion. Understand the sufferings of others and be ever ready to help them. The whole world is one family. All are children of God. The whole world is your abode, share what you have with others. A compassionate heart is the abode of God.

                                                                              Swami Sivananda - Glorious Vision p.35



Be Kind 親切な心

Cultivate kindness. Kindness is a healing balm. It soothes suffering.
A kind peck, a kind word, a kind act - all cost nothing, but bring to others happiness which money cannot buy. Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the dumb understand. Kindness is a direct passport to the kingdom of Eternal Bliss.
                    Swami Sivananda - Glorious Vision p.34



Do good 善行

A good deed is never lost. It purifies heart and lead to the descent of divine light and the down of divine grace. Every good deed is a grain of seed for immortality or eternal life. Do all the good you can, in all the way you can, to all people you can, in every place you can, at all times you can, with all zeal, strength, love, heart and interest you can, as long as ever you can. Your nature must be to do good. Doing good and bringing happiness to others bring goodness and happiness to you.
                      Swami Sivananda - Glorious Vision p.33



Be good 善良

Goodness is the greatest virtue. Goodness implies kindness, benevolence and morality. Cultivate good habits. Entertain good, sublime, divine thoughts. The whole of ethics of conduct is contained in this. To be good is divine. If you want to be good, see what is good, hear what is good, think what is good, do what is good, speak what is good, read what is good, write what is good, eat what is good, drink what is good. Be good.
                                                                                           Swami Sivananda - Glorious Vision p.32



Realize 悟

Life not to satisfy your palate and the senses, but live to Realize the Self within.
No vision of truth or no vision of God is possible without annihilating the ego.
The Goal of life is God realisation. Attain this through japa, kirtan, satsanga and meditation. realise. Be free.

                                                                       Swami Sivananda - Grorious Vision p.30



Meditate 瞑想

Meditation is the only way for attaining immortality and eternal bliss. Meditation destroys all causes of sorrow and pain. Regular meditation make the mind calm and steady and open the avenue of intuitional knowledge. When you enter the silence through deep meditation, the outside world and all your troubles will drop away. You will enjoy supreme Peace. In the silence is Light of light. In this silence is real strength and joy. Shut out the doors of the senses. Still the thoughts and emotions. Sit motionless and calm in the early morning hours. have a receptive attitude. Be alone with the Lord, commune with him. Enjoy the abiding peace in silence. Meditate regular and attain Self-realization.

                                                                                        Swami Sivananda - Glorious Vision p.28



Purify 浄化

Purify of mind bestows calmness, cheerfulness, one-pointedness, victory over senses, and fitness to attain God-realization. The mind must be purified by the practice of virtues, self-control, and devotion to God. When the mind is purified, it become your friend, because it wear out the shell that cover the Truth and enables you to realise it.
                       Swami Sivananda - Glorious Vision p.26



Give 贈与

Give to the poor, the sick, the helpless and the forlorn. Give to the orphans, the decrepit, the blind, the  helpless widows. If you give, the whole wealth of the world will be yours. This is secret of abundance and divine life. Therefore, give, give, give. You make a lining by what you get, but you make a life by what you give. Give in plenty, you will enjoy peace and prosperity. You will attain purity of heart. You can experience an indescribable thrill of divine ecstasy and spiritual bliss. This will give you tremendous inner strength. Radiate thought of good-will and share what you have with others. disseminate spiritual knowledge to one and all. Use material wealth, knowledge, spiritual wisdom that you possess, as a divine trust for the benefit of his children. Prayer takes you halfway to God, fasting to the door of his Supreme Abode and charity procures your admission.

                     Swami Sivananda - Glorious Vision p.24



Love 愛

Love is truth and Love is God. It is highest expression of the soul force. Love is the hope of the world. Wherever there is Love, there is peace and wherever is peace, there is joy. Set to work therefore spread this gospel of cosmic Love throughout the whole world. Let the message of love reach the hearts of all and awaken love and brotherhood in the bosom of humanity. Let all the world be encircled with a heart of Love.
                                                                       Swami Sivananda - Glorious Vision p.23



Serve 奉仕

The first step in the spiritual path is selfless service of humanity. 
Selfless service is the watchword along the road to salvation. 
Service always elevates and make you divine.
Service purifies, redeems and energises. 
To live life through service is to be intimate with life's innermost secret. 
To serve humanity is tone union with the Cosmic consciousness. 
Therefore selflessly serve humanity with sincerity and bhav.
                  Swami Sivananda - Glorious Vision p.20



Oneness 1

In cosmic consciousness the whole world becomes one's abode and all mankind one's family.

                                                            Swami Sivananda - Analects of Swami Sivananda p.52



Peace is state of quiet 平安とは静寂のこと

Peace is state of quiet. It is freedom from disturbance, anxiety, riot, or violence. It is harmony, silence, calm, repose, rest.
                                                                                           Swami Sivananda - Bliss Diline  p.372



Mind create a world by imagination 心は世界を創る

Good and evil, friend and enemy, are in the mind only. Each person create a world of virtue and vice, pleasure and pain, out of his own imagination.

                                                                       Swami Vishnudevananda - Meditation and Mantra p.4



Affect of thought 思考の影響

Thought control our lives, mold our characters, shape destiny, and affect other people.

                                                                     Swami Vishnudevananda - Meditation and Mantra  p.4



Yoga 結

The word yoga means union. Yoga is a conscious and sustained attempt toward self perfection. The contact of the individual consciousness with the Divine consciousness is essence of Yoga.

                                                                                        Swami Sivananda - Glorious vision p.74



Religion of truth and love 愛と真実の宗教

Real religion is one. It is the religion of truth and love. It is the religion of heart. It is religion of service, sacrifice, renunciation. It is the religion of goodness, kindness and tolerance.
Truth is neither Hindu nor Mohammedan, nor Buddhist nor Christian! Truth is one, homogeneous, eternal substance. The follower of the religion of the truth walks on the path of light, peace, wisdom, power, and bliss.
                                                                    Swami Sivananda - Bliss divine p.410



God is not different from you 神はあなたと異なる存在ではない

When you know God you know yourself, and when you know yourself, you know God, because God is not different from you. You are that God - Brahman. If you are praying actually to your Self, to the Self which is within you. When you put that Self - Atman - outside, it become God. When you put that same God inside you, it becomes your Self. It's one and the same.

                                                                                    Swami Vishnudevananda - Upadesa p.253



Everything is God すべての存在は神

Everything is God, everything is Vasudev, everything is Krishna, nothing but Krishna, whether it is microphone or the lamp or the plate, or that insignificant ant or rat. It is nothing but God. God prevails. Nothing is, actually, without the presence of God. Once you understand that philosophy, then you understand the purpose of yoga.
                                                                                 Swami Vishnudevananda - Upadesa p.121
