God dwells in all beings as life and consciousness. God in the roar of lion, the song of a bird, and the cry of a babe.
Swami Sivananda - Bliss Divine p.190
Every flower that wafts fragrance, every fruit that attracts you, very gentle breeze that blows, every river that smoothly flows, speaks of God and his marcy.
The world is yourself. Therefore love all, serve all, be kind to all, embrace all. Behold the Lord in the poor, the downtrodden, oppressed and lowly ones.
Keep the conscience always bright and sharp by adhering to truth, dharma and virtue. It will be constant, elevating companion.
Swami Sivananda - Bliss Divine p.109
Purify the mind first through the practice of right conduct and then take to the practice of concentration. Concentration without purity of mind is of no avail.
Only the ordinary people think that Ahimsa is not to hurt any living being physically. This is but the gross form of Ahimsa. All harsh and rude speech is Himsa.
Practice of Ahimsa develops love. Ahamsa is another name for truth and love. Ahimsa is universal love. It is pure love.
Swami Sivananda - Bliss Divine p.29
Meditation lead you more and more inward, from the gross to the subtle, from the subtle to the subtler, from the subtler to the subtlest, the supreme spirit.
Mind and intellect are finite instruments. Reason is finite. It cannot penetrate the infinite. Intuition alone can penetrate the infinite.
Swami Sivananda - Bliss Divine p.16
Freedom is detachment. Freedom is in desirelessness. Freedom is mindlessness. Eradication and extinction of desire lead to the sublime state bliss and perfect freedom.
Concentration purifies and calms the surging emotions, strengthens the current of thought, and clarifies the ideas.
Swami Sivananda - Bliss Divine p.98
Be humble and prostrate yourself to all beings mentally. Feel the Divine presence everywhere. Give up vanity, pride and hypocrisy.
Swami Sivananda - Shadana Tattva